Ozturkcan, S., “A Decade of Overview on e-Government," 2221 Visiting Researcher Program, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.
Ozturkcan, S., "Digital National Currency: coming soon to a market near you," 2221 Visiting Researcher Program, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.
Bozkaya, B. (PI), de Kervenoael, R., and Ozturkcan, S., “Exploring Value in Logistics Integrated Service Solutions: A Strategic Assessment for E-Retailing in Turkey,” R-1001 Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Grant No: 108K345.
de Kervenoael, R. (PI), Kasap, N., Eryarsoy, and Ozturkcan, S., “Applicability of mobile phone-based e-government services in Turkey: A strategic assessment,” R-1001 Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Grant No: 107K272.
Koçaş, C. (PI), Ozturkcan, S., and Tomak, K., “Econometric Modeling of Competitive Markets and Market Response,” R-1001 Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Grant No: 107K101.
Bayraktar, D. (PI), Çelebi, D., and Ozturkcan, S., “Maintenance Scheduling and Stock Management of Subway Cars,” Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
Bayraktar, D. (PI), Ozturkcan, S., and Çelebi, D., “Scheduling Subway Cars and Drivers,” Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
Koçaş, C. (PI), and Ozturkcan, S., “Econometric Modeling of Competitive Markets and Market Response,” Istanbul Chamber of Commerce.