Emotion Recognition in Multilingual Social Media for Marketing Technology Applications
Beyond Billy: Exploring the power of consumer imagination in the IKEA digital museum
Brandlessness: A rising trend among digital nomad consumers and retail designers of non-fungible tokens
Harassing technology in public spaces: Initial insights from practitioners regarding mistreatment of robots
Entrepreneurship in Precarious Environments: A Tale of Digital Wizards and Social Warriors
Mending clothing to support sustainable fashion
Mastering Digital Media Literacy: Navigating Information in the Digital Age
The Evolution of Money-Digital Transformation and CBDCs in Central Banking
Challenges and Opportunities with Digital Transformation
Robot Yönetimi: Geleceğin İş Dünyasına Hazırlanmak
Mapping the landscape of service robots in hospitality: A bibliometric analysis
Human-robot partners in healthcare services
Navigating the New Norm in Restaurants: To continue (or not) with the QR-code Menus
Complications in big data-based communication in the wake of COVID-19: A comparison of North American and Nordic practices of multinational healthcare corporations
Robots falling flat on the marketers’ faces
Humanoid Service Robots: Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare
Conceptualizing Opportunities and Challenges Relevant to the Inclusion of Humanoid Service Robots in the Context of COVID-19
Conceptualizing Consumer Paradoxes towards the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the context of COVID-19
Central Bank Digital Currency in the Context of Covid-19: What the Future Holds for Marketers and Consumers?
The Deadly Gamification Challenge of #BlueWhale
Digital national currency: coming soon to a market near you
Will robots conquer services? Attitudes towards anthropomorphic service robots
4th Industrial Revolution (4.Sanayi Devrimi)
10 Myths About Online Learning/Teaching
How to write a TUBITAK 1001 Research Project Proposal
Used Car ReMarketing
Experiential Marketing
E-Banking in Turkey: Consumer Experiences (Türkiye'de E-Bankacılık: Tüketici Deneyimleri)
Experiential Marketing (Deneyimsel Pazarlama)